“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
Romans 10:15
The Lord said “Some of my servants are Wounded, Hurt, and some Lack Training while some don’t even have Marriage again”. Therefore, our vision is to teach, train and encourage Pastors and Church Leaders so that they would be more effective in God’s work.
Even though it was given to an individual, the Lord formed a team of gifted people that comprises Pastors, Business Men and Women, Lecturer in the University, and a Medical Doctor to:
Topics such as church management, teamwork, and networking are taken care of by one of the team members; issues of stress, how to tackle HIV & AIDS in the church, depression, and how to get a solution not just medically, but from the Word are handled by the medical personnel.
In addition, we look at how to handle delegation, marriage, issue of finance, sex within the household of Pastors and Church Leaders families, Pastors and finance (personal), Pastors and finance (corporate), christian investment for both Pastors and Church Leaders, calling, gifts, education for Pastors and Church Leaders, and many more are some of the major topics that the team has to deal with.